Jerry(Jieyu) Yang

Bachelor of Art and Science, Boston University 24‘ , major in Statistics and minor in Computer Science. X-games lover, amateur mechanic

Photo Gallery

  • Cars

    Make sure your background suits the car and the theme. An exotic car may not be right in an off-road muddy setting. And an off-road vehicle could look off in front of a ritzy hotel.

    Despite your eye finding the view a logical way to shoot, it really is the least flattering angle for a car. Part of the reason for this is how familiar the perspective is. Another reason is because that angle really cannot highlight all of the car’s best features.

  • Portraits

    It’s important to consider the mood you want your portraits to convey. Managing the lighting and camera settings well enables you to create the style of portrait photos you want.

    The wider aperture you use, the less of your photo is in focus. The closer you are to your subject, the shallower the depth of field is, no matter what lens or aperture you use. The longer the focal length lens you use, the more blurred the background is. You need to be aware of these to capture enough of your subject in an acceptably sharp focus.

  • Landscape

    One way to achieve more dynamic visual design is to infuse more depth into your shot. This is achieved by using visual elements present in multiple layers of the scene that would suggest that each layer virtually goes deeper. For more complex compositions, you can divide each frame into three main layers; the background, which is commonly the sky; the mid-ground, where distant visual elements are seen, such as mountains, buildings, or distant bodies of water; and the foreground, which is basically anything in frame that is proximal to the camera. Each of these layers can contain visual elements that suggest depth.

Programming Skills

As a mathematic major and computer science minor student, I'm well at several programming languages.

  • Python
  • Java
  • C
  • Matlab
  • Latex

I've done several projects like 8-puzzle program via python and data analysis on batterie's cruising range of different brand of electric vehicles

Photography Business

I do taking photos for business. But since I'm still improving my skills, normally I don't charge fee for my customer, mutual encouragement is a better way for me to perfect my techniques. If you wanna get a bunch of photos for free, contact me through my social media below!